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Direct Impact Fixings in Serbia

Published: 2022-03-16 | Updated: 2024-07-20

Currently, CELO's FORCE ONE gas nailer, complete with accessories, is being used in the construction of a logistics centre in Serbia. CELO's products are being used to facilitate an efficient installation, allowing the installers to save time and money whilst keeping their project on track. 

Along with the FORCE ONE the products being used are the XHA nails for FORCE ONE, Nailing conduit metal clip PFT & DFT and the metal multicable hanger clamp CHS. 

The main application of the PFT & DFT is for cable installations. In the images above we see this clean and precise installation of cables that will be used to power the logistics centre. The PFT & DFT have been specially designed to work with gas nailers guaranteeing a secure fixing thanks to its support rib that provides higher stability and secure hold. The clips also come with an R90 fire certificate ensuring the integrity of the wiring system will not prematurely collapse in the event of a fire. 

XHA nails for FORCE ONE

The nail size chosen for this application in Serbia was the XHA17. The 17mm nails are recommended when installing into concrete > C 25/30, to help avoid bending of the nail and to uphold the nail integrity. The XHA nails have been optimally designed including a ballistic shaped tip for easy penetration of the base material and serrations on the side to improve the nails grip in concrete. 

To discover more about our XHA nails and to understand which size nail you should be using we have created this simple guide on how to choose the right size nail for your application.Â